Every family goes through ups and downs. A family lawyer helps families resolve and deal with major legal issues and disputes. Many people associate family lawyers with wealthy families and renowned icons; however, family legal counsel is necessary regardless of your financial status. Here are some of the reasons you may need to have a family lawyer.

Prenuptial Agreements

A prenuptial agreement is a contract signed by a couple before marriage. In many cases, this agreement helps to protect the assets of a person who is getting into a marriage with more assets and financial resources than their spouse. The contract helps take account of the wealth that a person has when they enter into a marriage.

The main provision in a prenuptial agreement is the division of property in the event of a divorce. Prenups may also provide for spousal support. To include all the appropriate terms in a prenup agreement, you need to enlist the services of a family lawyer.


Having a will while you are still alive is the best way to secure your estate in the event of your death. A will prevents your estate from being distributed by the State and also avoids family disputes regarding inheritance. It also helps protect your beneficiaries from huge taxes.

A lawyer can help you express how you wish to distribute your property upon your demise. A lawyer will also be instrumental in creating trusts, paying your creditors, and managing other financial elements of your will. Furthermore, if your financial status changes while you are still alive or some aspects of your life have changed like having a newborn, your lawyer will help you update or amend your will to reflect these changes.


In Australia, one of the requirements for couples who intend to divorce is that they have irreconcilable differences. There are other requirements that you need to satisfy to succeed in filing for a divorce. Your family lawyer will help you meet all the legal regulations when filing a divorce.

In many divorce cases, the main issues are the division of property, child custody, and child and spousal support. When dividing property, the court will consider a variety of things, including prenuptial agreements, the financial status and earning capacity of the couple among other things. When deciding on a child and spousal support, the couple's financial background will also form a strong basis for the court's decision.

On the other hand, when granting parental orders, the court will make a decision based on the best interests of the child. In all these situations, a family lawyer will work to ensure the court's ruling is in your favour.
